Friday, April 4, 2008

River's Tree

We wanted to plant a tree to commemorate River's birth. When Jess asked me what my favorite tree was, I told her a weeping willow. But a weeping willow is way too big for our yard and too much of a water that was out of the question. She then told me of a site that tells what your "birth tree" is. I decided to look up River's. It was a willow!

Robbie went to a nursery and called me to tell me what trees they had. Well he found one called a desert willow. I thought it was perfect since it was a willow, but a small one that didn't like a lot of water.

Here is River at just a few days old giving his tree his energy. We used the placenta that was his home for over 9 months to fertilize the tree.

I am hoping to take pics of River and the tree as they grow together so all can see the change.

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